Creating Change: Claire
"Being part of Creating Change has opened another door in life for me"
"It’s been a great experience and really good for me."
"Ruth from Clackmannanshire Economic Regeneration Trust referred me to Reachout’s Creating Change programme. I took her my CV and qualifications in beauty, and she noticed I loved to learn and thought I would benefit from Reachout.
I really enjoy Reachout and I think it’s great. It’s been a great experience and really good for me. I like the learning environment. I’ve learned lots of new skills from the staff and volunteers and made lots of nice friends. It’s full of nice people.
I’ve learned so much, including that art is a beautiful thing. Being part of Creating Change has opened another door in life for me,. Now I’m drawing and painting, and keen to pursue courses in graphic design. It’s opened another creative path for me. The staff have introduced new tools and processes into my life. It’s been a great learning experience.
It's an amazing place, it’s great for your wellbeing. It’s a happy little place. "
Claire has continued to thrive in the Reachout ‘Change’ programme, effectively utilising the diverse skills acquired through Reachout ‘Creating Change’ programme.
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