During lockdown from March 2020 we offered various projects and activities remotely in order to continue to engage with our members and promote creativity for wellbeing.
Read more about each of our projects below.

Mon 28th September, 10 Mindful Exploring Project Packs were sent out/collected by members who chose to take part in Project Worker Jen's experimental photography project.
At the start of September, 10 members signed up to receive a little sketchook handmade by Anne to take part in our Gratitude Project.

27 members signed up to receive a 'Paint your own Gnome' kit and take part in our Lockdown project, 'Gnome Sweet Gnome; Stay Safe, Stay Gnome'. We were blown away by the creativity and individuality of all of the gnomes. We hope these will be part of an exhibition in the community soon!
Gnome Sweet Gnome
Along with our August newsletter, all members were sent this invitation >
and a blank postcard to take part in our Postcard Activity, led by Arts Resource Worker Anne. We received 20 inspiring and thoughtful postcards back, you can view them here.

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week 18-24 May 2020 and to celebrate the theme of 'Kindness' Reachout put together an online exhibition.
Chair Yoga
Reachout members now have free access to 4 online chair yoga sessions!!
Follow the link below and use code ‘Reachout’ when signing up.
We’re very grateful to Kirsty Hall from Improve with Pilates for thinking of Reachout members at this time. Kirsty delivered Chair Yoga sessions at Reachout last year and all of those who took part loved it!
Please have a look at her website to see what other online classes she has available. www.improvewith.weebly.com
Thanks Kirsty!
Reachout Playlist
We are feeling very lucky to work with some really amazing partner organisations. 🤗
Danielle at Chamber Music Scotland very kindly got in touch recently to see what they could do to support Reachout members' wellbeing at this time. She has put together this playlist especially for us including some familiar faces who've already performed at Reachout! Our huge thanks! 🌞🌈💐
Wellbeing self-help & Natural Health Award
See link below for self-help wellbeing resources put together by NHS Forth Valley. It contains a link to the Natural Health Award. The Award is an evidence-based resource for families to use to support their mental wellbeing, resilience and encourage physical activity.
The Award was originally developed for childminders and has been adapted for families to use and edited to align to the Government social distancing and enforcement guidelines during Covid 19.
For children facing stressful situations, being with nature, even in the smallest way, can reduce their anxiety and increase their sense of self-worth.
There are 15 activities in total and there are certificates awarded to all who complete it. It’s free of charge.
All activities can take place in the garden or local area during daily exercise. Scottish Government advice is to go outside for physical exercise once a day. This helps not only our physical health but also improves our mental wellbeing and can reduce anxiety.
Thanks to Elaine from Forth Valley Health Promotion Service for sharing.